Smokers Gifts this Holiday

{ Posted by E-Cig Guy }
Smokers gifts are usually the same old thing: ashtrays and lighters and cases and gag gifts. This season why not get the smoker in your life something really great for the holidays? Why not give them the gift of no smoke with an electronic cigarette from Green Smoke?

Smoke is the real killer in cigarettes, we all know that. How many are there in your family who will have to sneak out during the holiday festivities to suck down a cancer stick, shivering alone in the cold while the entire family wonders if this might be their last holiday together?

The Perfect Gifts for Smokers

What better gift idea can you think of for any smoker? Instead of supporting their habit with a lighter, or a cool new pipe, give them something they can use to free themselves of tar and the 4000 toxic chemicals every puff on a cigarette contains? It will help them breathe easier, save money and you and the family will enjoy not having to put up with the second hand smoke and the stink too!

And maybe, just maybe, this can be that first step towards them quitting for good so you can celebrate with them next year too. This Christmas or Hanukkah give a real smokers gift of love, give the Green Smoke Basic Starter Kit.

And use these holiday promo codes to save you some green too:
10% off Discount Code: disc10-6073
*10% off promo code requires a minimum purchase of $100.

5% off Discount Code: disc5-6073
*5% off promo code is good on any purchase.

the E-hookah by Green Smoke

{ Posted by E-Cig Guy }

Green Smoke announces their latest product, the E-Hookah, is now available for purchase.
An electronic version of the traditional Hookah pipe, the E-Hookah from Green Smoke™ features two hoses, a high quality, long lasting "laptop quality" battery and an attractive green design. Shisha smoking is becoming more and more popular, and now there's an ehookah version to offer choice!

The E-Hookah will begin shipping on December 1st 2009, but pre-orders are being accepted now at a special price of $299 while the final price will be $350 so get your orders in early.
The Green Smoke E-Hookah page describes it as:
Our new, patented e-hookah is the perfect way to share the satisfaction of Green Smoking with others. Use it at parties and social events or just a quiet evening with the one you love.
This is truly the first completely original ecigarette product in a very long time. 

Green Smoke promo code

{ Posted by E-Cig Guy }
Need a Green Smoke promo code?
We all like saving money. In that spirit the Green Smoke E-Cigs Report is happy to offer you the following discount coupons for GreenSmoke electronic cigarettes.

10% off Discount Code: disc10-6073
*10% off promo code requires a minimum purchase of $100.

5% off Discount Code: disc5-6073
*5% off promo code is good on any purchase.

To use this exclusive promotional code, simply visit and input the appropriate coupon in the field marked " Promo Code " during checkout.

Happy Green Smoking!!

Green Smoke Comparison to other E-Cigs

{ Posted by E-Cig Guy }
Comparing the Green Smoke electronic cigarette to the other brands is easy. There is no comparison!!

Take a look at this comparison table and you can clearly see why Green Smoke is quickly becoming the leading brand of electronic cigarette.

Green Smoke™ compared to the other brands

Green Smoke™

the other Guys

Electronic Cigarette Construction

Simple to put together 2 Part design
3 or more components that can be hard to assemble
Two step cartridge replacement:
1- Unscrew old cartridge
2- Screw on new cartridge
Multi step cartridge replacement:
1- Disassemble mouthpiece
2- Pull out old cartridge
3- Fill cartridge with liquid or pad
4- Insert cartridge
5- Reassemble mouthpiece
Atomizer is disposable and built into the cartridge so it's replaced with each new cartridge.
Atomizer is a non disposable component which gets clogged during multiple use and must be replaced periodically at a cost of $5 - $10.
Nicotine pad is built into the sealed cartridge so you never have to touch it and it won't leak.
Wet nictotine pad must be pulled from packaging and insterted manually into the mouthpiece exposing your fingers to liquid nicotine and making a mess.

Real Cigarette Look and Feel

Size, shape and weight closely resemble a real cigarette.
Much longer and heavier or comes in a non cigarette shape.
Has an outer texture that feels like a regular cigarette.
Has a plastic or metal coating that feels like a battery in your mouth.
Has a bright LED that glows intensely red when inhaling that looks like a real cigarette.
Has a weak LED that is barely noticable and may be in colors other than red.
Strong full vapor feels like smoke and looks like smoke when you exhale.
Weak vapor that is hardly noticable.

Hygene and Freshness

All parts that are exposed to your lips or breath are replaced with each new cartridge.
Atomizing chamber is a permanent component and even the mouthpiece may be reused encouraging bacteria and germ growth and accumulation over time.
Feels fresh and new with each cartridge replacement.
Permanent parts collect residue over time affecting performance and leaving a musty stale odor.
Green Smoke comes in 8 delicious flavors and 5 nicotine levels. Each cartridge is color coded for easy identification.
Cartridges come in limited flavors and nicotine levels and are not color coded.

When you sit down and compare Green Smoke side by side to the competitors, you can quickly see the higher quality, ease of use and better benefits Green Smoke has to offer.

So what are you waiting for? Give Green Smoke a try today. And save your other green by using our exclusive promo codes: disc5-6073 for 5% off any purchase or disc10-6073 for 10% off any purchase over $100.

Happy Green Smoking!

Advantages of Green Smoke vs Tobacco Cigarettes

{ Posted by E-Cig Guy }
There are many advantages to using the Green Smoke™ electronic cigarette instead of smoking traditional tobacco cigarettes.

Thousands Fewer Dangerous Toxins

Regular cigarettes are known to contain over 4000 toxic compounds and 40 -60 carcinogens including:
  • Ammonia- added by tobacco manufacturers to enhance the effect of nicotine on smokers, ammonia is toxic to humans and is usually used in fertilizers and cleaning products.
  • Benzene- a chemical found in pesticides and gasoline that has also been found by researchers in high levels in cigarette smoke that is said to account for half of all human exposure to this dangerous chemical.
  • Formaldehyde- a preservative used to preserve dead bodies, formaldehyde is also responsible for much of the nose, throat and eye irritation caused by cigarette smoke.
  • Arsenic- a dangerous poison that finds it's way into cigarettes via the pesticides used in tobacco farming.
  • Cadmium- a toxic heavy metal used in batteries and found in smokers at twice the levels of non smokers. 
  • Lead 210 & Polonium 210- two poisonous radioactive heavy metals that research has shown are present in tobacco smoke.
  • Carbon Monoxide- a poisonous gas that affects the transportation of oxygen within the body and causes fatigue, headaches, dizziness, nausea, chest pain and even death in high doses which is also found in smokers at many times the levels of non smokers. 
  • Hydrogen Cyanide- Used in the gas chambers of Nazi Germany, it is also in cigarette smoke. 
  • And thousands more....

Green Smoke on the other hand is mostly:
  • Water- Doesn't get much safer than that!
  • Flavoring- the same flavorings used in many food products.
  • Nicotine- a highly addictive drug found in both traditional and electronic cigarettes. It is the primary reason people smoke both.
  • Propylene Glycol- Recently touted by the press and the FDA as "a component of anti freeze" to generate fear about electronic cigarettes, what they didn't mention (beside the fact it's not the toxic component of anti freeze) is that it is also commonly used in cosmetics, intravenous drugs, as a  food additive and is also the primary ingredient in the fluid used in entertainment fog machines. It helps to create the vapor that green smokers inhale and has been deemed "generally recognized as safe" for such use by the FDA and other health organizations.
Recent studies by the FDA and others of the tobacco flavored sample cartridges from two other manufacturers have found "detectable" amounts of  a handful of Tobacco-specific N-nitrosamines (TSNAs), carcinogens found in products derived from tobacco. But the levels detected were hundreds if not thousands of times lower than those found in cigarettes and comparable to, if not less than, the levels found in nicotine replacement therapies like the patch, the gum or inhalers which were not included for comparison in the testing.

The FDA study did, however, confirm that e-cigs do not contain the thousands of toxic compounds and poisons such as the ones listed above which are regularly found in tobacco smoke. They found no tar, no carbon monoxide, no heavy or radio active metals and of course, no stinky dangerous smoke!

While traditional cigarettes and the electronic versions both contain the drug nicotine in comparable levels and tobacco flavored e-cigs may contain small amounts of TSNAs, it doesn't take a genius to see that electronic cigarettes contain literally thousands fewer dangerous compounds, chemicals and cancer causing agents than regular cigarettes.

More Eco Friendly

Green Smoke helps to make a greener planet with no second hand smoke, no ashes, no cigarette butts, no discarded cellophane packs. The vapor produced by green smoking is safe for the ozone layer and contains mostly water vapor, not smoke. Electronic Cigarettes also have zero fire danger and no need for dangerous lighters and matches.

Save More Money

A pack of cigarettes can cost anywhere from $5 to over $12 in some states now with all the new taxes. Green Smoke's nicotine and flavor cartridges cost less than $3 and are comparable to a pack or a pack and a half. This translates into a $2 to $9 or more savings per day for the average pack a day smoker. That's thousands of dollars a year in savings!!

the Social Cigarette

Green Smoke is a social friendly cigarette. No second hand smoke or offensive odors means smokers and non smokers can once again mingle together in the same room without complaint from non smokers and smokers can live without the fear of giving their loved ones cancer.

No smoke and no tobacco means smokers can return to their favorite places like bars, restaurants, coffee shops, movie theaters, bowling alleys, public buildings and all those places they've been exiled from due to the non smoking bans. And no stinky smoke means smokers can once again enjoy homes, cars, hotel rooms, offices and clothing that doesn't smell like an ashtray. Perhaps smokers and non smokers might even start kissing again!!

The advantages of Green Smoke over tobacco are numerous. Less dangerous toxins, more eco friendly, thousands of dollars a year in savings and the chance to once again live a socially active life make the choice between regular cigarettes and electronic cigarettes obvious.

If you are a smoker over the age of 18, what are you waiting for? Visit Green Smoke to buy your own today. And save even more if you use our readers exclusive promo codes: disc5-6073 for 5% off any purchase or disc10-6073 for 10% off any purchase over $100.

Happy Green Smoking!

What is a Green Smoke Electronic Cigarette?

{ Posted by E-Cig Guy }
The Green Smoke™ electronic cigarette is a revolutionary new device that gives smokers a healthier alternative to tobacco cigarettes. The Green Smoke device delivers nicotine without the thousands of harsh chemicals and deadly poisons associated with traditional tobacco smoke.

It's Green Smoke

No, the smoke is not actually green. The "green" in Green Smoke refers to the fact that there is no smoke, no combustion and no burning tobacco. The nicotine is delivered in a clean and odorless vaporized form instead. It is also better for the environment because you have no second hand smoke, no tar, no carbon monoxide, no ashtrays, no ashes, no butts, and no need for plastic cigarette lighters or matches.

It's Electric!

That's right, as you might have already guessed, the electronic cigarette is electric. There is no burning of tobacco to release the nicotine. Instead, the nicotine comes inside the cartridge in a liquid form, usually mixed with flavorings and a bit of propylene glycol, the same stuff they use in entertainment fog machines, cake mixes, food coloring and a host of other things. When a user inhales on the device, an atomizer inside the cartridge turns the liquid into a smoky vapor, giving the green smoker all the sensations of smoking without any of the dangerous, cancer causing smoke.

Looks like a Cigarette

Green Smoke has taken great care to make their product look and feel like a real cigarette. They are the same shape, almost the same weight and are even coated with a special coating to make them feel more like a cigarette and less like an electronic device. They even boast the most vapor in the industry, so much vapor in fact that it's hard to tell it's not smoke! This gives the green smoker the same feelings and experience as if they were actually smoking. The tip even lights up red!

But it's not a Cigarette

Since the Green Smoke contains no tobacco and no smoke, it does not fall under traditional smoking bans. This allows green smokers the freedom to enjoy smoking in places where tobacco has been banned like restaurants, clubs, offices, public buildings and more. No longer do smokers have to be ostracized from their favorite places or activities!

Cheaper than Tobacco

Another advantage of the electric cigarette is that it is much cheaper. There is no tobacco tax on e-cigs. While a pack of cigarettes can cost $5 or even $10 in some places, much of which is tax, Green Smoke cartridges are the equivalent of 1 to 1.5 packs and cost less than $3 each. This can result in thousands of dollars in savings each year to the pack a day smoker.

Different Flavors and Nicotine Levels

Green Smoke comes in 8 delicious flavors: coffee, chocolate, menthol, vanilla, apple, strawberry, traditional tobacco and the new tobacco marl which is intended to taste like a Marlboro Cigarette.
Users are also able to "dial in" their level of nicotine with five different levels:
  • 16mg = comparable to non filtered cigarettes
  •  8mg = comparable to 'Full Flavored'
  •  6mg = comparable to 'Lights'
  •  4mg = comparable to 'Ultra Lights'
  •  0mg = cartridges with the flavor but which contain no nicotine at all. 

Safer Alternative to Smoking

While agencies like the FDA and the WHO want to see more medical studies before allowing electronic cigarettes to be marketed as "safe" or "an effective quit smoking device", which is understandable, there are some things that make electronic cigarettes undeniably safer than their tobacco counterparts:
  • No Smoke, which doctors and scientists agree is the main cancer causing agent in cigarettes.
  • No Tar to clog up your lungs.
  • No Carbon Monoxide - one of the most deadly components of tobacco smoke.
  • No Fire Danger - Thousands of people die each year from smoking related fires.
  • Less Carcinogens - according to the FDA's own report, electronic cigarettes contain "detectable" amounts of just a handful of known tobacco related carcinogens (found in the flavorings derived from real tobacco). Compare this with the thousands of carcinogens found in higher then "detectable" levels in tobacco smoke and it's hard to argue e-cigs are not a safer alternative.
Green Smoke electronic cigarettes look like a cigarette, feel like a cigarette, produce the most vapor in the industry, cost less, give smokers more freedom to enjoy themselves in smoke free environments, come in great flavors and are undeniably a safer alternative to tobacco smoking.

Visit Green Smoke to buy your own today. And save even more if you use our readers exclusive promo codes: disc5-6073 for 5% off any purchase or disc10-6073 for 10% off any purchase over $100.

Happy Green Smoking!

Schwarzenegger vetos ban on Electronic Cigarettes

{ Posted by E-Cig Guy }
In a bold move today California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed SB400, a bill that would have banned the sale of electronic cigarettes in the state of California until they were FDA approved or "cleared". The bill written by Senator Ellen Corbett started out as a green energy bill,  then became a tobacco advertising and merchandising bill and in early Sept became an electronic cigarette ban.

The governor said in his statement to the Senate:

To the Members of the California State Senate:
I am returning Senate Bill 400 without my signature.
While I support restricting access of electronic cigarettes to children under the age of 18, I cannot sign a measure that also declares them a federally regulated drug when the matter is currently being decided through pending litigation.
 Items defined as “tobacco products” are legal for anyone over the age of 18. If adults want to purchase and consume these products with an understanding of the associated health risks, they should be able to do so unless and until federal law changes the legal status of these tobacco products.
 For this reason, I am unable to sign this bill.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
So, once again electronic cigarettes are back to being a tobacco product, legal in the state of California for use by adults and Senator Corbetts attempt to change their status to drug delivery system through legislation has failed. Electronic cigarettes are still legal to sell in the state of California. 

Warning and Disclaimers

The Green Smoke electronic cigarette contains nicotine, a highly addictive drug. It is not a medical device and the manufacturer makes no claims regarding it's ability to help a person quit smoking. The Green Smoke electric cigarette is intended for use by smokers of legal smoking age. Like cigarettes, it is not FDA approved. The statements made within this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements and the products mentioned within are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

View our full disclaimer and warnings page